Uniforms/Concert Dress

What does my student need to wear for band/choir?

HMS Band & Choir

  • Students may purchase or borrow a red "HMS Music Department" polo shirt. HMS will loan shirts for students who do not purchase them (Borrowed shirts remain the property of HMS and must be returned immediately after each performance.)

  • Students will provide:  

    • Black dress pants/skirt (below knees) -- with shirt tucked in

    • Black socks/hose (no bare legs/ankles)

    • Black Dress Shoes

  • For certain performances, we may choose to have the students wear clean jeans (no holes) instead of the Black pants/skirt, socks, & shoes.  This will be announced well in advance.

  • Please contact Mr. Norris or Mr. Mattison if you're willing to help out with washing & hanging loads of shirts after our performances!

PHS Band

Parades & Field Shows:  PHS Band uniform pants, jacket, hat are provided.  Students must provide: 

  • Black socks (calf or higher so your ankles do not show while marching or seated).

  • New for 2024-2025 is an $11/year "shoe fee", which will allow us to provide marching shoes for our students as they grow through various sizes. Students are expected to keep their shoes clean and in good condition. Shoes are only to be worn for band activities and should be stored at school.

Pep Band & other "informal" Concerts:

  • Students will wear the designated PHS Band shirt.  These are purchased at the beginning of the year at a reasonable cost--usually under $15.  

  • Students will wear clean jeans (no holes) and closed-toe shoes.  

  • Exceptions to the above will be at the director's discretion.  Please do not assume.  Ask first.  

Formal Concerts:  Students will have 3 options (please note that all are fully black and must meet school dress code):

  • Black Collared Dress Shirt, tucked into Black Slacks with a Black Belt, with Long Black Socks, and Black Dress Shoes (closed toe).

  • Black Blouse with Black Skirt/Pants (past the knees), Black Socks/Hose, and Black Dress Shoes.

  • Formal Black Dress (past the knees), Black Socks/Hose, and Black Dress Shoes. A formal black sweater/coverup/jacket may be added 

  • Other notes:

    • Optional:  Students may add a red "accent" item that does not cover more than 5% of the outfit (included, but not limited to: solid red tie, red socks, red scarf, red suspenders, red jewelry).  Students will be asked to remove accessories that are obviously beyond the described size limit, do not match the color theme, or are otherwise distracting.  When in doubt, ask first before purchasing.  

    • Please keep jewelry/watches/hair accessories modest and not distracting.  

    • No logos allowed on the clothing or accent items.

    • *It is not the intention of this requirement that families spend massive amounts of money on concert-only clothing.  In fact, most of these options can be used for many different purposes and could be purchased for under $25 at many area thrift stores.  If you cannot afford to outfit your student, please contact Mr. Norris well before the concert and he will make every effort to help meet your needs.  

    • The black dress shoes may be your marching shoes if they are clean.