District Facts

119 Years

In 2024 Prosser graduated its 119th graduating class

2446 Students

We have 2450 Students enrolled K-12 between 5 buildings

173 Teachers

173 Classroom teachers (2024-2025 SY)

13.43 Years

The Average years of Teaching Experience is 13.43 (2024-2025 SY)

staff in the Spotlight

israel estrada
Israel is a rock star! He resolves issues quickly, keeps our systems secure, and always offers friendly support. His expertise makes technology feel accessible for everyone on the team. We’re grateful to have him!
Israel Estrada Nominated by The District Office Staff
Lupe Maldonado
Mrs. Maldonado is a great advocate for the students and has revitalized the Next Generation Mustangs club that provides a place of belonging and inclusion at PHS. In addition, her leadership has been showcased with community partners to include THRIVE and ESD 123.
Guadalupe Maldonado Nominated by Eric Larez
Diana Perez
Diana Perez, is such a good fit for Whitstan. She has this energy that kids and parents really benefit from. She is very optimistic and is always thinking of creative ways she can reach all of her students.
Diana Perez Nominated by Jessica Perez
Dalise is fantastic at her job. She tackles challenges head-on, finds effective solutions, and keeps our operations running smoothly. Her focus and commitment inspire the whole team. We’re lucky to have her leading us!
Dalise Weddle Nominated by Casey Widner & Karissa Garza