District Facts

119 Years

In 2024 Prosser graduated its 119th graduating class

2446 Students

We have 2450 Students enrolled K-12 between 5 buildings

173 Teachers

173 Classroom teachers (2024-2025 SY)

13.43 Years

The Average years of Teaching Experience is 13.43 (2024-2025 SY)

staff in the Spotlight

tina aguayo
Tina has worked for the CN Dept for over 22 years, a true school lunch hero! Tina has a lot on her plate from preparing thousands of school meals, to navigating nutritional guidelines and dietary restrictions. She always has a smile on her face and a positive attitude.
Tina Aguayo Nominated by Darlene Morrow
jessie ibarra
Jessy is the first person people see when they enter Heights Elementary. She is friendly & professional. Jessy provides kind & compassionate care for students in the Health Room. She is quick to say "yes" to learning opportunities. She is amazing, valuable, & valued by all!
Jessica Ibarra Nominated by Laura Montanaro
shawn van winkle
PE at the elementary level is a favorite, and Shawn makes it fun and engaging. Laughter, excited squeals, and music fill the gym daily. My favorite part is cardio drumming on Wednesdays, where students drum on yoga balls to routines, with Mr. Van Winkle joining in too!
Shawn Van Winkle Nominated by Jessie Wilson
chelsea white
Chelsea is an amazing teacher and person! She has so much love and respect for her students. She makes great connections with all students and staff, and her students absolutely adore her. Chelsea is a great teammate, Whitstran is blessed to have her!
Chelsea White Nominated by Wendy Meirndorf