Internal Openings
Afterschool Bilingual Extension Teacher
Afterschool Migrant Enrichment Teacher
One to One Paraeducator at Keene Riverview Elementary
Life Skills Paraeducator - Location to be determined
Wednesday Student Athlete Supervision at Housel Middle School
Special Education Paraeducator at Prosser High School
Life Skills Paraeducator at Prosser Heights Elementary - 2 Positions
Administrative Assistant to Transportation, Maintenance, and Food Service
One to One Paraeducator at Prosser Heights Elementary
Special Education Paraeducator at Keene Riverview Elementary
Head Boys Tennis Coach at Prosser High School
Head Girls Tennis Coach at Prosser High School
Head 7th Grade Baseball Coach at Housel Middle School
Assistant Boys Wrestling Coach at Housel Middle School
For internal classified applicants please send a letter of interest to Kim Bolt, Human Resources, if all information is on file. If you have any questions please call 786-3323 ext. 2003 or email at
For internal certificated applicants please send a letter of interest to Selena Swearingen, Assistant to the Superintendent, if all information is on file. If you have any questions please call 786-3323 ext. 2004 or email at