Next Superintendent Search: Preferred Candidate Stakeholder Meeting Community Meet and Greet
The Prosser School District Board of Directors invites the entire community to an evening “meet and greet” event with Ms. Kim Casey, interim superintendent, on October 23 beginning at 7:00 pm in the Prosser High School Library Workroom. As previously announced, the Board named Ms. Casey as the preferred candidate for the permanent superintendent position at the October 11, 2023, Board meeting. The Board is seeking feedback from stakeholders regarding Ms. Casey’s candidacy aligned to the Board-adopted Next Superintendent Ideal Profile. The meeting format will include opening remarks from Ms. Casey, questions posed by Human Capital Enterprises (search consultant), and informal interactions with Ms. Casey. A survey collecting feedback will be administered at the end of the event. The Board will review survey feedback as part of their deliberations.
Next Superintendent Ideal Profile: