The Prosser School District Board of Directors will hold a Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 6:00pm in the Prosser High School Library Workroom, 1500 Paterson Rd. Prosser WA 99350.
The business to be transacted:
A. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Agenda
B. Executive Session
RCW 42.30.110(1)(g)
No action to follow.
Duration: 20-minutes
Participants: Board of Directors & Superintendent Kim Casey
(g) To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. However, subject to RCW 42.30.140(4), discussion by a governing body of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be generally applied within the agency shall occur in a meeting open to the public, and when a governing body elects to take final action hiring, setting the salary of an individual employee or class of employees, or discharging or disciplining an employee, that action shall be taken in a meeting open to the public;
C. Information Items:
1. Spring Break Business Office Hours
Spring Break 2024 Office Hours.pdf (p. 4)
2. NHD State History Day
D. Protocol for Addressing Board:
Welcome to the Board Meeting.pdf (p. 5)
E. Hearing of Visitors:
F. Student Representative Reports
G. Discussion Items:
1. School Building Reports
i. Housel Middle School
2. Department Reports
i. CTE Department
H. Action Items:
1. Out-of-State Travel: NASP State Archery Tournament (Sandy,
Utah) & Sub Coverage
Request for Out of State Travel and Sub Coverage for Thursday and Friday, April 25-26.pdf (p. 6)
2. Out-of-State Travel: Boise State Football Camp (Boise, Idaho) Boise State Request.pdf (p. 7)
3. Out-of-State Travel: Professional Learning Communities at Work Institute (Los Angeles, California, St. Louis, Missouri, or Mascoutah, Illinois)
Out of State Travel Request to PLCs.pdf (p. 8)
4. 2024-2025 Bus Purchase
2024-25 School Bus Purchase.pdf (p. 9)
5. New Prosser High School Courses Approved by the District Instructional Materials Committee
New Prosser High School Courses Approved by the District.pdf (p. 22)
6. Mental Health Matters Grant & SaaS Agreement
Mental Health Matters Grant & SaaS Agreement.pdf (p. 30)
7. Second Reading of Procedure 4213: School District Firearms and Use of Force
Procedure 4213 - Draft.pdf (p. 47)
8. Resolution 03-24: Declaring Technology Surplus
Resolution 03-24.pdf (p. 53)
9. Vouchers
Vouchers.pdf (p. 72)
I. Consent Items:
1. Certificated Personnel
Certificated Personnel.pdf (p. 102)
2. Classified Personnel
Classified Personnel.pdf (p. 103)
3. Approval of Minutes
Spanish translation of Meeting Minutes to be added to the District webpage on April 1, 2024
March 13, 2024 - Regular Board Meeting (English).docx.pdf (p. 104)
March 20, 2024 - Study Session (English).pdf (p. 114)
J. Reports:
1. Director of Business and Operations Dalise Weddle
Student Enrollment for March 2024.pdf (p. 117)
2. Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores
3. Superintendent Kim Casey
4. Board Members' Reports
K. Future Meetings:
Regular Board Meeting, April 10, 2024, Prosser High School Library Workroom, 6:00 p.m.
L. Adjournment:
If you would like to Zoom into the meeting, please follow one of these pathways:
Meeting Link: Click Here
Meeting ID: 896 6606 9876
Passcode: 281163
For a non-video call-in option dial: 253 205 0468
Meeting ID: 896 6606 9876
Passcode: 281163