The Prosser School District Board of Directors will hold a Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 6:00pm in the Prosser School District Board Room, 1203 Prosser Ave., Prosser WA 99350.
The business to be transacted:
A. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting
1. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Annual Organization Meeting: Election of Officers
1. Calls for Nominations for President
2. Election of President (roll call vote)
3. Assumption of Office by New President
4. Calls for Nomination for Vice-President
5. Election of Vice-President (roll call vote)
6. Calls for Nomination for Thrive Representative
7. Election of Thrive Representative (roll call vote)
8. Calls for Nomination for WSSDA Representative
9. Election of WSSDA Representative (roll call vote)
C. Resume Regular Board Meeting
1. Approval of Agenda
D. Protocol for Addressing Board:
Welcome to the Board Meeting.pdf (p. 5)
E. Hearing of Visitors:
F. Student Representative Reports
G. Discussion Items:
1. School Building Reports
Running time: 3-minutes
Presenter: Housel Middle School, Principal Michael Denny
2. School Building Reports
Running time: 3-minutes
Presenter: Prosser High School, Principal Bryan Bailey
3. Department Reports
Running time: 3-minutes
Presenter: Migrant Department, Director Eric Larez
4. Review of Policy 4237: Advertising and Promotions
Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey
PSD Current Policy 4237.pdf (p. 6)
WSSDA Model Policy 4237.pdf (p. 7)
Redline Policy 4237.pdf (p. 8)
Final Draft Policy 4237.pdf (p. 10)
5. Review of Policy and Procedure 6114: Gifts or Donations
Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey
Policy 6114.pdf (p. 11)
Procedure 6114.pdf (p. 13)
6. Sale of Properties
Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey
H. Action Items:
1. Facility Use of The Prosser Family Fitness Zone Pool (Prosser, WA) Boys Swim Program - (PHS)
Presenter: Athletic Director Jackson Haak or Superintendent Kim Casey
PFFZ.pdf (p. 15)
2. Ecology Zero Emission School Bus Grant Award Notification
Presenter: Transportation Director Amiee Cook
Dept of Ecology Grant Award.pdf (p. 17)
3. Prosser Heights Elementary and Princess Theatre Memorandum of Understanding - "Disney's The Lion King KIDS"
Presenter: Prosser Heights Elementary Principal Jodi Sabin or Superintendent Kim Casey
PSD Heights MOU Lion King.pdf (p. 25)
4. Out-of-State Travel: CADCA - Washington D.C.
Presenter: Lupe Maldonado- PHS Migrant Graduation Specialist and Nayeli Orozco- Prosser Thrive/Mus...
Out-of-State Travel CADCA.pdf (p. 27)
5. Resolution 11-24: Cancellation of Municipal Warrants
Presenter: Director of Business and Operations Dalise Weddle
Resolution 11-24 Cancelation of Municipal Warrants.docx.pdf (p. 32)
6. Final Study and Survey Resolution 12-24
Presenter: Ed Champagne - Architects West (Via Zoom)
Study and Survey.pdf (p. 37)
7. Highly Capable Program Plan Approval
Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores
Highly Capable Program Plan Approval.pdf (p. 128)
8. Vouchers and Payroll
Presenter: Director of Business and Operations Dalise Weddle
Vouchers 1.pdf (p. 142)
Vouchers 2.pdf (p. 183)
Payroll.pdf (p. 192)
9. Second and Final Reading of Policy and Procedure 6895: Pesticide Notification, Posting and Record Keeping
Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey
Final Draft Policy 6895.pdf (p. 201)
Final Draft Procedure 6895.pdf (p. 202)
10. Second and Final Reading of Policy 5222: Job-Sharing Staff Members
Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey
Final Draft Policy 5222.pdf (p. 203)
I. Consent Items:
1. Certificated Personnel
Certificated Personnel.pdf (p. 204)
2. Classified Personnel
Classified Personnel.pdf (p. 205)
3. Approval of Minutes
November 20, 2024 - Special Board Meeting (English).pdf (p. 206)
November 20, 2024 - Special Board Meeting (Spanish).pdf (p. 211)
4. Volunteer Coaches
Vol Coaches 12-11-2024.pdf (p. 216)
J. Reports:
1. Director of Business and Operations Dalise Weddle
2. Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores
3. Superintendent Kim Casey
4. Board Members' Reports
K. Future Meetings:
Special Board Meeting, December 18, 2024, Prosser School District Board Room, 6:00 p.m.
L. Adjournment:
If you would like to Zoom into the meeting, please follow one of these pathways:
Meeting Link: Click Here
Meeting ID: 896 6606 9876
Passcode: 281163
For a non-video call-in option dial: 253 205 0468
Meeting ID: 896 6606 9876
Passcode: 281163