The Prosser School District Board of Directors will hold a Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 6:00pm in the Prosser School District Boardroom, 1203 Prosser Ave., Prosser WA 99350.
The business to be transacted:
A. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Agenda
B. Protocol for Addressing Board:
Welcome to the Board Meeting.pdf
C. Hearing of Visitors:
D. Student Representative Reports
E. Discussion Items:
1. School Building Reports
Running time: 3-minutes
Presenter: Whitstran Elementary School, Principal Kevin Gilman
2. Department Reports
Running time: 3-minutes
Presenter: Technology Department, Director Shawn Cook
3. Review of Policy 1116F: Student Representative to the Board of
Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey
Student Board Rep 1116F Application.pdf
4. Review of Policy and Procedure 6702: Wellness
Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores
Draft Policy 6702 Wellness.pdf
Draft Procedure 6702 Wellness.pdf
5. Review of Policy and Procedure 3241: Student Discipline
Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey
Draft Policy 3241.pdf
Draft Procedure 3241.pdf
F. Action Items:
1. Consultant Service Agreement CWAC Track 2025
Presenter: Athletic Director Jackson Haak
Consultant Agreement - CWAC Track 2025_Redacted.pdf
2. Consultant Service Agreement - Prosser Invite 2025
Presenter: Athletic Director Jackson Haak
Consultant Agreement - Prosser Invite 2025_Redacted.pdf
3. Out-of-State Travel: National Conference for the Migrant
Education Program (San Francisco, CA)
Presenter: Migrant Director Eric Larez
National Conference for the Migrant Education Program.pdf
4. Prosser High School New Course Proposal - Basic Computer
Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores
Basic Computer Skills.pdf
5. Housel Middle School Chiller Replacement
Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey
Exhibit A TOC of Specs.pdf
6. Vouchers and Payroll
Presenter: Director of Business and Operations Dalise Weddle
ASB 2025.03.14.pdf
CP 2025.02.28.pdf
CP 2025.03.14.pdf
GF 2025.03.14.pdf
7. Resolution #03-25: WIAA for a fair, safe and nondiscriminatory
practice in Athletic and Extracurricular Activities
Resolution 03-25.pdf
8. First Reading of Policy and Procedure 3425: Anaphylaxis
Prevention and Response
Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores
Draft Policy 3425.pdf
Draft Procedure 3425.pdf
9. First Reading of Policy and Procedure 2410: Graduation
Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores and Prosser High School Principal Bryan Bailey
Draft Policy 2410.pdf
Draft Procedure 2410.pdf
10. Second Reading of Policy and Procedure 6114: Gifts or
Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey
Draft Policy 6114.pdf
Draft Procedure 6114.pdf
11. Second Reading of Policy and Procedure 3204: Sex
Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students
Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores
Draft Policy 3204.pdf
Draft Procedure 3204.pdf
Draft Procedure 3204P1.pdf
G. Consent Items:
1. Certificated Personnel
Certificated Personnel.pdf
2. Classified Personnel
Classified Personnel.pdf
3. Approval of Minutes
February 26, 2025 - Regular Board Meeting (English).pdf
February 26, 2025 - Regular Board Meeting (Spanish).pdf
H. Reports:
1. Director of Business and Operations Dalise Weddle
January 2025 Financial Reports.pdf
2. Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores
3. Superintendent Kim Casey
4. Board Members' Reports
I. Future Meetings:
Regular Board Meeting, March 26, 2025, Prosser School District Boardroom, 6:00 p.m.
J. Adjournment:
If you would like to Zoom into the meeting, please follow one of these pathways:
Meeting Link: Click Here
Meeting ID: 896 6606 9876
Passcode: 281163
For a non-video call-in option dial: 253 205 0468
Meeting ID: 896 6606 9876
Passcode: 281163