Board of Education

The Prosser School District Board of Directors will hold a Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 6:00pm in the Prosser School District Board Room, 1203 Prosser Ave., Prosser WA 99350.

The business to be transacted:

A. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Approval of Agenda

B. Protocol for Addressing Board:

Welcome to the Board Meeting.pdf

C. Hearing of Visitors:

D. Student Representative Reports

E. Discussion Items:

1. School Building Reports

Running time: 3-minutes

Presenter: Prosser Heights Elementary School, Principal Jodi Sabin

2. Department Reports

Running time: 3-minutes

Presenter: Transportation Department, Director Amiee Cook

3. 2025/26 Budget Discussion

Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey and Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores

4. Review of Policy 1430: Audience Participation

Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey

Redline Policy 1430.pdf

Draft Policy 1430.pdf

5. Review of Policy and Procedure 1420: Proposed Agenda and Consent Agenda

Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey

PSD Policy 1420.pdf

PSD Procedure 1420.pdf

WSSDA Policy 1420.pdf

WSSDA Procedure 1420.pdf

Redline Policy 1420.pdf

Redline Procedure 1420.pdf

Draft Policy 1420.pdf

Draft Procedure 1420.pdf

6. Review of Policy and Procedure 3112: Social Emotional Climate

Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey

Draft Policy 3112.pdf

Draft Procedure 3112.pdf

7. Review of Policy and Procedure 3413: Student Immunization and Life Threatening Health Conditions

Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores

PSD Policy 3413.pdf

WSSDA Policy 3413.pdf

Redline Policy 3413.pdf

Draft Policy 3413.pdf

PSD Procedure 3413.pdf

WSSDA Procedure 3413.pdf

Redline Procedure 3413.pdf

Draft Procedure 3413.pdf

F. Action Items:

1. Memorandum of Understanding: Princess Theatre and Keene Riverview Elementary - Disney's The Jungle Book KIDS

Presenter: Keene-Riverview Elementary School Principal Jessie Wilson



2. Consultant Service Agreement: The Reptile Man at Keene Riverview Elementary

Presenter: Keene-Riverview Elementary School Principal Jessie Wilson

Reptile Man.pdf

3. Out of State Travel Request: Whitstran Elementary School (Silverwood Theme Park in Idaho)

Silverwood Theme Park.pdf

4. Resolution 04-25: Final Acceptance of Construction Completion: Whitstran Elementary School

Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey

Resolution #04-25.pdf

5. First Reading of Policy 6702: Wellness

Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores

Draft Policy 6702 Wellness.pdf

6. First Reading of Policy 3241: Student Discipline

Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey

Draft Policy 3241.pdf

7. Second Reading of Policy 2410: Graduation Requirements

Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey

Draft Policy 2410.pdf

8. Second Reading of Policy 3425: Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response

Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores

Draft Policy 3425.pdf

9. Second Reading of Policy 3204: Sex Discrimination and Sex- Based Harassments of Harassments of Students Prohibited

Presenter: Superintendent Kim Casey

Draft Policy 3204.pdf

10. 2025-2026 Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Agreement

Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores

2025-2026 Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID).pdf

11. 2025–2026 Agreement for Achievement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Excel Bilingual Program

Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores

2025–2026 Agreement for Achievement Via Individual Determination.pdf

12. Prosser High School New Course Proposal - Intro to Kinesiology

Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores

New Course - PHS.pdf

13. Prosser High School New Course Proposal - Cybersecurity

Presenter: Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores

New Course Proposal-Cybersecurity.pdf

14. Vouchers

ASB 2025.03.31.pdf

CP 2025.03.31.pdf

GF 2025.03.31.pdf

G. Consent Items:

1. Certificated Personnel

Certificated Personnel.pdf

2. Classified Personnel

Classified Personnel.pdf

3. Approval of Minutes

March 12, 2025 - Regular Board Meeting (English).pdf

March 12, 2025 - Regular Board Meeting (Spanish).pdf

H. Reports:

1. Director of Business and Operations Dalise Weddle

Student Enrollment for March 2025.pdf

2. Assistant Superintendent Deanna Flores

3. Superintendent Kim Casey

4. Board Members' Reports

I. Future Meetings:

Safety & Security Meeting, April 9, 2025, Prosser School District Boardroom - Staff Development Room,

5:00 p.m.

Regular Board Meeting, April 9, 2025, Prosser School District Boardroom, 6:00 p.m.

J. Adjournment:

If you would like to Zoom into the meeting, please follow one of these pathways:

Meeting Link: Click Here

Meeting ID: 896 6606 9876

Passcode: 281163

For a non-video call-in option dial: 253 205 0468

Meeting ID: 896 6606 9876

Passcode: 281163