Prosser School District will be on a two-hour delay for Thursday, February 24, due to inclement weather and driving conditions. There will be no AM Tri-Tech, No AM Preschool, and No Breakfast served this morning.

Celebrate CTE Month: Prosser Celebrates Agriculture Education
Agriculture Education Presentation:

On Saturday 2/19/22, Housel Middle School 8th grade Elizabeth Norris performed with the WMEA 2022 Junior All-State Rainier Band as part of the Washington Music Educators Association annual state conference in Yakima. She was one of 18 middle school trumpet players selected from around the state to participate in the Junior All-State bands this year. Students submitted recorded auditions for the statewide honor band to WMEA in September. Selected students had to independently learn their parts in preparation for the one day of rehearsals, followed by a performance in the Yakima Sundome. Elizabeth is a band student of Dan Norris at Housel Middle School and takes trumpet lessons from Leah Suderman, former band teacher at Mabton Jr/Sr High School.

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Prosser
School District! It's everything Prosser School District, in
your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3gRPIjw
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